Hyundai Name UAM Division in the US

On November 9 Hyundai Motor Group announced the name of its urban air mobility (UAM) division: Supernal. The UAM division is based in Washington DC, US and is headed by  Jaiwon Shin, the former NASA deputy adminstrator.

Hyundai Motor Group stepped into the eVTOL and UAM arena in 2019 when it set up the UAM division and unveiled its first eVTOL concept vehicle S-A1 at the CES in 2019, and became an OEM partner with Uber Elevate.

Hyundai Motor Group target 2028 for the launch of its UAM service. At Supernal website it states that Hyundai will focus on four elements in their eVTOL and UAM development: safety, noise, affordability and „people first“.

The video presentation of Supernal’s vision:

Supernal website: