• First eVtol flight at an international airtport in Helsinki

    Helsinki, 30 August 2019 – Yesterday, Volocopter performed a flight at the Helsinki International Airport successfully integrated into both the Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) system. Within the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Programme this demonstration is the final leg of the Gulf of Finland (GOF) u-space project showing how ATM and UTM systems enable Urban Air Mobility (UAM). Urban environments require reliable solutions to enable safe airspace operations given the increasing number of drones and manned aircraft over cities. The GOF U-space flight trial demonstrated how ATM and UTM can act in combination to enable safe and efficient air taxi operation in urban environments, including airports.

  • Bye Aerospace collaboration with BRS Aerospace on Safety

    At Airventure Gorge Bye announced together with BRS President Enrique Dillon a collaboration in the development of a ballistic parachute system and additional safety features for the eFlyer 2 which is on the way to be certified as the first part 23 electrical aircraft. BRS and Bye have been working together for years.

    BRS Aerospace is the only whole aircraft rescue parachute system manufacturer who offers part 23 certified systems.
    In the new BRS Aerospace strategy, occupant safety is an integral part of the overall technical and management processes associated with design, development and operation of new aircraft.

    In order to improve the survivability rate of occupants BRS Aerospace proposes an integrated safety approach.

    An innovative holistic concept to vehicle safety design defines the integrated safety strategy compounding pre‐crash sensing technologies, parachute ballistic recovery systems, landing gear‐airframe crashworthy structural concepts, high-energy absorbing seats, and advanced restraints.

  • XTI selects GE’s Catalyst engine for hybrid-electric TriFan 600 VTOL

    Flight Global reports that XTI Aircraft has selected GE Aviation’s Catalyst engine as the core of the hybrid-electric propulsion system for its in-development TriFan 600 vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. For detailed report, go to: https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/xti-selects-catalyst-engine-for-hybrid-electric-trif-459849/

  • After presenting their eVTOL at Airventute Oshkosh EmbraerX anounced that they started a competition to name the new vehicle. You want to participate – just go to www.embraerx.com and you may win a model of the aircraft, or perhaps even a ride with the new aircraft as soon as it will be open for use.

  • Continental & Verdego jointly develop hybrid power

    Continental Aerospace Technologies announced partnering with Erik Lindbergh and his company Verdego in developement of hybrid power trains for eAircraft and eVtol. More later here.

  • Airbus presented its “Bird of Prey” concept at Royal International Air Tatoo air show at Royal Air Force Fairford this week with the goal of motivating the next generation of aeronautical engineers, underscoring how they can make a difference by applying technologies researched at the company in hybrid-electric propulsion, active control systems and advanced composite structures.

    for Airbus press release of „Bird of Prey“, click here

  • Exclusive: Interview with Omer Bar –Yohay of Eviation

    The Israeli company Eviation has brought its Alice electric aircraft from scratch to the world premiere of the prototype at Paris Airshow in July 2019 in less than 5 years. The company mainly financed by the Singapore-based Investor Richard Chandler, announced to fly the aircraft before the end of the year and starting Service in 2023. e-flight-Journal founder and editor Willi Tacke watched the rise of Eviation from the beginning. After the successfully release of the first Prototype of the aircraft at the Paris Airshow, Will interviewed the company founder and CEO Omer Bar –Yohay.

    For full report of the project, please read the PDF issue of „eFlight Journal“. New eflight Journal is being posted as PDF for free (read & download ) here.

  • H55 electric airplane founded by André Borschberg

    When André Borschberg, the former CEO and pilot of Solar Impulse solar-powered airplane, initiated and piloted the record- setting solar-powered airplane around the world for the first time in human history together with Bertrand Piccard, he flew the Solar Impulse solo because it was a purposely designed single-seat airplane. Now the co-founder and executive chairman of H55, this time André wants to share the fun of flying electric airplanes with a lot of more people than himself, as he has 16-years of experience designing and flying electric airplanes.

    For full report of the project, please read the PDF issue of „eFlight Journal“ . New eflight Journal is being posted as PDF for free (read & download ) here.

  • Uber Elevate new partner and new designs debut

    In the middle of June, at the 3rd Uber Elevate in Washington, DC, Uber announced the sixth Elevate partner Jaunt Air Mobility, joined by the current five Uber Elevate partner companies: Bell, Boeing’s Aurora Flight Sciences, Embraer, Karem Aircraft, and Pipistrel. At the same event Pipistrel and Embraer unveiled their eVTOL designs.

    For full report of the project, please read the PDF issue of „eFlight Journal“. New eflight Journal is being posted as PDF for free (read & download ) here.

  • Pegasus VTOL business jet: A vision from Africa

    In the pursuit of new generation vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, no one is left behind and everyone has big ambition. A startup company from South Africa unveiled a VTOL business jet this year. Pegasus Universal Aerospace, founded by chairman Reza Mia from Pretoria, South Africa, unveiled a one eighth scale model of its Pegasus One VTOL jet at the European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE) held in Geneva in May 2019.

    According to the company, the Pegasus One VTOL jet will be an eight-seat business aircraft powered by two GE CT7-8 turbine engines of 2,330-shp to drive in-wing lift fans and rear thrust fans through integrated gearboxes, all managed by multiple redundant computer systems. The airplane will have a range of 4,400 km when taking off from a runway or a range of 2,124 km when taking off vertically. The airplane will be all composite, will have a cruise speed of 796 km (430 knots).

    For full report of the project, please read the PDF issue of „e-Flight-Journal“. New eflight Journal is being posted as PDF for free (read & download ) here.

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